Tofu Scramble is Great for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
Tofu scramble is awesome. In fact, I will go as far to say it is superior to your typical plate of scrambled eggs. I first experienced tofu scramble at the This Way Cafe when visiting Bar Harbor, Maine. Ever since the Mount Desert Island excursion, I have been obsessed with trying every tofu scramble I can find. I have encountered countless recipes, and mine is a hybrid of my favorites. Keep in mind, the only ingredients you need for a successful tofu scramble (in my opinion) are: firm or extra firm tofu (either or, doesn’t matter), nutritional yeast flakes, garlic powder, salt, and soy sauce. The extra adds, however, just make it even better.
- 1 tablespoon of canola oil or spray
- 3 medium sized potatoes
- 2 crowns of broccoli
- 1 medium onion
- 1 carrot
- 3 tablespoons of nutritional yeast flakes
- 2 or 3 teaspoons of garlic powder
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1 teaspoon of cayenne
- 1 teaspoon of white pepper
- 1 block of extra firm or firm tofu
- 1 large bell pepper
- 1 medium or large tomato
Chop and Cook the Potatoes
Pre-heat your skillet to medium high heat and coat with 1 tablespoon of canola oil or spray. I personally use cast iron on an electric stove, but this recipe still works in other skillets. Feel free to adjust times and heats to suite your situation. While skillet is heating, wash and chop your potatoes. After you are done, throw them on the skillet and shuffle them around. I like to use a flat wooden turner or spoon to do the shuffling and stirring.
Next Add the Broccoli, Onions and Carrots
Next, wash your two broccoli crowns, chop off the florets, and store them in a bowl for later use. Slice the remaining stems into coin-sized pieces and add to the skillet. Stir them with the potatoes. Wash 1 medium onion, slice, and then add to the skillet as well. Stir up the mixture. Wash 1 carrot and slice into coin like pieces. Add to the skillet and stir.
Mix the Dry Stuff
While waiting for the potatoes to brown, onions to caramelize, and stems/carrots to soften, add 3 tablespoons of nutritional yeast flakes, 2 or 3 teaspoons of garlic powder, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of cayenne, and 1 teaspoon of white pepper to a dry bowl and hand mix. I personally like to use a fork.
Squeeze the Tofu, and Brown it Up
By now your potatoes, stems, onions and carrots should be ready. Now is the time to squeeze your tofu. Normal people buy a tofu press like this one. I like to get creative. Cut a hole at the long end of your tofu package. This will be your drain hole. Cut a hole at the opposite long end of your tofu package. This will be your air hole. Now pick up the package, hold over a sink with the drain hole pointed down and squeeze. You don’t need to drain every last drop, just enough to keep your scramble from getting soggy. Lower the heat on your skillet from medium high to medium low. Now, if you haven’t squeezed your tofu block to bits and it still maintains its structural integrity, I like to brown each side of the block on an empty space in the skillet. Once brown, spread your vegetable mix evenly across the skillet and, using your hands, crumble the tofu on top. I prefer larger chunks, but crumble to your taste.
Add the Dry Stuff and Then the Pepper
Next, you want to sprinkle the dry mixture of nutritional yeast flakes, garlic powder, salt, cayenne, and white pepper over the contents of skillet. Add the broccoli florets and drizzle soy sauce over your skillet. Let everything sit for 2-5 minutes and then mix.
While you are waiting, wash and slice the bell pepper. If you like taking your time with cooking like I do, 2-5 minutes may have already passed by now, so toss that bell pepper into the skillet. Let everything sit for 2-5 minutes and then mix.
Last We Add the Tomato
Again, while you are waiting, wash and slice your tomato. Once the 2-5 minutes have passed, shut off your heat and add the tomatoes. Stir everything one more time and you are ready to serve. Total run time runs between 20-35 minutes depending on the potatoes and onions.